Personal Training

Personal Training with Charlie

Personal Training includes:

  • Full Assessment: A full physical evaluation assessing your height/weight, resting heart rate, blood pressure, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, posture and flexibility levels. Note: You must complete the online medical Par-Q form prior to evaluation.
  • Body Composition: A trainer will measure your body fat percentage and cardiovascular levels. This is an effective baseline measurement for tracking your training progress.
  • Exercise Design: Using the results from your fitness assessment, a trainer will design a personalized fitness program based on your goals, current fitness level and exercise preferences.

Complete the registration form to start your fitness journey today!


Pocket Personal Trainer

With the pocket personal trainer, you will receive a personalized one-month exercise program ranging from 2-4 days per week based upon your needs! You will meet with your trainer once per month to go over status, assessments, progress, and goals. After your meeting, you will receive the next phase of your programming. You can continue to meet with your trainer for as many months as you wish, however you must pay the $50 fee first before setting a meeting with your trainer.

Cost: $50 for Members and Non-Members

Individual Packages

Individual training packages are for one-on-one client, trainer sessions. Each session lasts one hour, and packages are sold in 4 session, 8 session, and 12 session counts. Sessions can be used at any frequency discussed by you and your trainer! Sessions cannot be combined to create two hour sessions. You will be able to purchase your session package after your initial consultation with your trainer.

Basic Package (4 sessions): $130 for Member/$150 for Non-Member
Premium Package (8 sessions): $225 for Member/$280 for Non-Member
Deluxe Package (12 sessions): $315 for Member/$380 for Non-Member

Buddy Training Packages

Buddy training packages are for those wishing to train in groups of two with one trainer! Each session lasts one hour, and packages are sold in 4 session, 8 session, and 12 session counts. Sessions can be used at any frequency discussed by you and your trainer! Sessions cannot be combined to create two hour sessions. You will be able to purchase your session package after your initial consultation with your trainer.

Basic Package (4 sessions): $90 each for Member/$115 each for Non-Member
Premium Package (8 sessions): $160 each for Member/$200 each for Non-Member
Deluxe Package (12 sessions): $200 each for Member/$250 each for Non-Member

Small Group Packages

Small group training packages are for those who want to train in groups of 3 – 5 with one trainer! Each session lasts one hour, and packages are sold in 4 session, 8 session, and 12 session counts. Sessions can be used at any frequency discussed by you and your trainer! Sessions cannot be combined to create two hour sessions. You will be able to purchase your session package after your initial consultation with your trainer.

Basic Package (4 sessions): $40 each for Member/$50 each for Non-Member
Premium Package (8 sessions): $80 each for Member/$100 each for Non-Member
Deluxe Package (12 sessions): $120 each for Member/$150 each for Non-Member

Am I a member?

If you’re a current client, we value your feedback. Feel free to fill out our Personal Training Evaluation.

Interested in becoming a Personal Trainer? Contact the UREC Fitness Team to learn more about getting certified.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get started with a personal trainer?
When do I get to meet with my personal trainer?

Once we have your information from your registration form, we will either add you to our waitlist or we will send your information to a personal trainer! If we are not running a waitlist, you should hear from a trainer within two business days. If we are running a waitlist, you should be informed of such via an automated email once you submit your registration form. It is difficult to say exactly how long you may remain on the waitlist, as trainer pairings are dependent upon trainer schedules and staff size.

I’ve never been to the Activity Center’s gym. Where are the personal trainers located?

They are located in the fitness center.

Can I train even if I don’t currently attend UT Dallas? Do I have to get a membership?

The non-member price includes the daily use fee. You must have a Comet Card or driver’s license when entering the building.

Do personal training sessions expire? Can I get a refund if I choose not to train anymore?

Personal training sessions do not expire. Unfortunately, you cannot get a refund once you purchase sessions, unless it is for medical reasons (bring a doctor’s note saying you cannot workout anymore). However, if you decide not to train, you can transfer your unused sessions to a family member or friend.

Are trainers certified?

All of our personal trainers have a personal training certification they must maintain for the duration of their employment. All of our trainers are also certified in Red Cross CPR/AED.

I can’t make it to the lesson and it’s today. What should I do if I cannot contact my trainer 24 hours in advance?

We understand life is full of the unexpected. Contact your trainer by either email or phone. If you have the trainer’s personal cell phone number, call and leave a message. If not, contact the Activity Center front control desk at 972-883-2090 and leave a message with your name and trainer’s name. UREC reserves the right to charge for the session if not more than 24 hours’ notice is provided.

How long are personal training sessions?

Each session is one hour in length. Sessions are sold in packages of 4, 8, and 12, and can be used in any way you desire.

How many times per week do I get to train?

This is for you to discuss with your trainer, there is not set number of times you must meet with your trainer. Typically, our clients like to meet with our trainers 1-3 times per week.

Do I pay for sessions before or after I meet with my trainer?

You will not need to pay for personal training up front. Once you are paired with your trainer, you will meet with them for your free assessment session, and your trainer will then share the link where you will be able to purchase your personal training package.