Intramural Sports

The Intramural Sports program provides UTD students, faculty, and staff with the opportunity to compete and have fun in various team and individual sports. Intramural sports allow participants the opportunity to compete against other participants and teams with comparable skills in a relaxed and competitive recreational atmosphere throughout the leagues and tournaments that are offered.
Travel to tournaments and compete against teams from other schools in major intramural sports like flag football, basketball, and soccer. This is a great opportunity to create lifelong memories with friends, network with students and professionals outside of UTD, and face a high level of competition in the sport you love. Extramurals are also open to student officials.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is IM Leagues?
- The Intramural Sports program uses an online registration process for all individual and team registration through IMLeagues, an organization specializing in the management and administration of intramural sports throughout the nation. All intramural participants will be required to create an account.
What rules are used for each sport?
Visit the IMLeagues handbook page to access the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures handbook as well as all our current sport rules. All rules and regulations are subject to change by the CompSports Professional Staff.
Sport rules attached only list the specific Intramural Sport modifications used for the sport, not the full set of rules.
What is the time commitment to participate?
- Major Leagues: Games will be played Monday-Thursday. Usually played using a four-week regular season with up to two-week playoffs. Each team scheduled for one game a week in the regular season. All teams that advance to the playoffs must be ready to play on any day of the week, beyond their usual scheduled time.
- Friday Leagues: Games will be played on Fridays. Each team scheduled for one game a week in the regular season. All teams who advance to the playoffs must be ready to play at any time on Friday, beyond their usual scheduled time.
- Single Day Tournaments: Tournaments will take place on one day only, being played using either a single-elimination or double-elimination bracket depending on the number of teams registered to participate.
- Special Events: Recreational events that take place on one day only, that do not consist of round-robin or elimination tournament play and are used to reach unique participants and provide an experience that is fun and recreational.
Please see page 10 (Intramural Sport Offering) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
Do I need to buy sports equipment to play?
Sports equipment needed to participate in each sport offered by the CompSports program will be provided. However, please feel free to bring personal equipment to use.
- Balls/Shuttlecocks: Both teams must agree to use alternate equipment beyond that provided by the CompSports Staff, given that the alternate equipment is in regulation.
- Racquet/Bats: Individuals can use their own racquet to participate if it is within regulation.
What form of identification can I use to check in?
All Intramural Sports Participants must either present their physical comet card or be able to log in to their GET App and show their virtual identification card to the CompSports Staff prior to participating in their game.
- NO other form of identification for check-in will be accepted beyond these two forms.
- The CompSports Staff can review any Intramural Sports Participations Identification at any time during and after the game, to check for eligibility, and may request a second form of identification.
Please see page 12 (ID Policy) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
Where is the game located?
- Recreation Center West: 955 N. Loop Road, Richardson, TX 75080
- Connected to Dining Hall West
- Behind Andromeda Hall
- Activity Center: 800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, TX 75080
- Connected to the University Visitor Center and Bookstore.
- UTD Field Complex: 800 W Campbell Road, Richardson, TX 75080
- Across the street from the University Visitor Center and Bookstore.
What can I wear?
Team uniforms must be the same color and must include numbers on either the front or back. If teams are unable to provide their own uniforms, CompSports has pennies available for use.
Please see page 6 (Captain’s Responsibilites) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
Is jewelry allowed?
Jewelry is not allowed during participation in Intramural Sport Programming. To receive an exemption for jewelry that is worn for religious or medical reasons, complete the Jewelry Exemption Form, which will be reviewed by the Intramural Sport Program.
It’s raining… is my game canceled?
In case of inclement weather/improper field conditions, messages will be sent out from the CompSports staff through email and text via IMLeagues and announcements will be shared on University Recreation social media.
Games that are affected by weather are NOT guaranteed to be rescheduled but may be rescheduled at the discretion of the CompSports professional staff. All teams should be prepared to potentially play on a Friday or Sunday in the event of weather for games that need rescheduling.
Please see page 4-5 (Participant safety) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
My team cannot make the game. What should we do?
To avoid a forfeit teams should default a match: A team must communicate to the CompSports office via email or phone by 4 p.m. on the day of the game that they will not be present. A defaulting team or individual will:
- Receive a loss.
- Not be assigned any sportsmanship rating.
- Still be eligible for playoffs.
- Two or more defaults = one forfeit.
Please see page 15 (Forfeits/Defaults) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
Am I allowed to play in intramural sports?
Assumption of Risk: Individuals who participate in Intramural Sports will be doing so at their own risk. Participation in any activity is voluntary. UTD is not responsible for any injury that may occur to individuals participating in any University Recreation activity. As a reminder, UTD does not provide insurance coverage for participants.
- Enrolled Students: YES
- Faculty: YES with the purchase of UREC Membership pass.
- Membership passes can be purchased at the Activity Center.
- Staff: YES
- Alumni/Spouses: NO
- Club Sports Participants in similar/related sports:
- Sports of four or more: No more two (2) sport club members on a roster
- Sports of three or less: No more than one (1) sport club member on a roster
- Intercollegiate Athletes in similar/related sports:
- Current Athletes: Not Eligible
- Removed from Roster after one FULL academic year passes following the end of the semester of their season: Eligible
Please see page 7-9 (Participation and Eligibility) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
I need to protest. How can I do that?
Protests may be placed on rule discrepancies, rule interpretations, player eligibility and sportsmanship rating.
When/how to protest:
- Rule interpretation: During the match before the next play takes place verbally to the CompSports staff.
- Player Eligibility: Before, during, after the match verbally to the CompSports Staff. Up to the next business day submitted in writing to the CompSports Office.
- Sportsmanship Rating: Within 12 hours upon completion of the contest, in writing to the CompSports Office.
Please see page 22 (Appeals and Protest) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
I’ve been ejected/suspended, what do I do now?
To regain eligibility, after being ejected or suspended the ejected person must complete each of the following:
- Prepare a written statement detailing the events surrounding the incident and submit it by emailing it to the CompSports professional staff at
- Schedule an appointment to meet with the CompSports professional staff to discuss the incident.
- Attend the scheduled meeting with the CompSports professional staff.
An ejected person will remain ineligible throughout their collegiate career until they complete this process.
Please see page 20-21 (Ejected or Suspended Participants) in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures (pdf) for more information.
I want to be a sports official, how do I apply?
The CompSports Department is always looking for students who have an interest in officiating various sports. No experience is necessary; training will be provided for each sport. Individuals will have many opportunities to interact with their fellow peers, while enhancing their skills in communication, management, confidence and leadership. All Intramural Sports Staff will have the opportunity for advancement within the department. Please apply on Handshake.
Contact Us
Any questions about Intramural Sports can be directed to the intramural sports office inside Rec Center West or Email:
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View our Intramural Sports rules and policies.